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Fleur de Valeur:

Medieval flower songs

A symbolic bouquet drawn from the medieval garden of musical delights. Trefoil surveys English, French, and Italian composers from the 13th, 14th, and 15th centuries. Enter this bower and discover the seductive beauty and dazzling complexity of the late Middle Ages.

Dio Mio! That's amore!

Love in the 14th century

Trefoil offers selections from the spectacular trecento style of 14th-century Italy. Music as described in Boccaccio's Decameron: Madrigals, ballate, canons, and estampie by Landini, Cicconia, and Jacopo di Bologna.

In the Chamber of the Harpers

Trefoil embarks on the storied pilgrim route to Compostela, meeting travelers and cultures from afar. Cantigas de Santa Maria and courtly ballads that once echoed through "the Chamber of the Harpers" at the court of Eleanor of Castile.

Cristo e nato:

Lauding the Nativity in medieval Florence

The ancient themes of the Christmas season -- Advent, Nativity, and Epiphany -- find eloquent voice in this program of laude from 14th-century Italy. Carols, mass movements, narrative poems, and songs of praise and prayer, arranged for lute, psaltery, voices, and medieval harps.

Masters, Monsters, and Mazes:

Treading the Medieval Labyrinth

At the heart of the labyrinth lies the Minotaur. Along the journey, Trefoil encounters other mythical beasts -- the Panther, the Unicorn, the Python, and the treacherous Basilisk -- and a cavalcade of heroes from a bygone age: Julius Caesar; valiant Galahad; and the beloved crusader king, Richard Coeur-de-Leon.

Touring programs

"TREFOIL's sensitive interpretations and choices of performing medium reveal much of the logic in this music .... the sheer beauty of the sound is reward enough."


                    -- Early Music America

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